Articles and FAQ's Related to Cremation and Hardwood Urns

Articles and FAQ's Related to Cremation and Hardwood Urns

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If you're considering burial or cremation, we're here to help. Whether you're looking for a traditional box, or engraved urn, we've got all your options covered. We'll walk through the pros and cons of each option for making the best choice for your loved ones. We will keep adding information to this blog so we can continue to answer some FAQ's customers have, such as:

Why use an urn instead of a coffin?

What should I look for in my urn?

How much does an urn cost?

Why Choose a Wood Urn?

You might be wondering why choose a wood urn? The answer is simple: hardwood urns are beautiful, cost effective and sustainable.

Wooden urns are an ideal way for you or your family to remember the life of someone you've lost. It can also serve as a thoughtful gift for friends and family members who have lost loved ones in their lives.

What Hardwood is Best for an Urn?

Hardwood is a good choice for an urn because it is durable and can be polished to a high sheen. Hardwoods like oak, mahogany and walnut are the most popular choices for an urn.

Caring for a Wood Urn

The first thing to do is keep the urn in a dry place. Do not place it near any heat sources, such as radiators or fires. Wood ashes are very flammable and can ignite when exposed to fire or other sources of heat.

If you want to store your ashes somewhere other than your home, consider purchasing an outdoor storage shed or garage door. These areas are typically well-ventilated so they won't create an indoor environment that could cause moisture problems with urns containing human remains (or anything else).

How to Choose the Right Size Urn for Ashes?

If you're planning on scattering ashes, it's important to choose the right size urn. The general rule of thumb when sizing an urn is: One cubic inch of space for every pound of weight before cremation. For example, if the total living weight was 125 lbs. at the time of death, you would need an urn that was 125 cubic inches or larger. Flint's Woodshop currently offers two sizes: 150 in3 and 250 in3.

If you're looking for a smaller container, then it's best to start with one that holds about 10 pounds of cremation ash or less per cubic foot of space inside it—about 1/4 cup per cubic yard will fit into a standard-sized urn (about 3' diameter by 2' deep). If you want more than that amount of material in your container, consider buying multiple containers instead!

The smaller size also makes sense if you plan on using part of your remains in another way; for example: if someone wants their loved ones' ashes spread on ocean waves as part of their final wishes or if they want them kept somewhere special until later years when they can enjoy spending time with them again via visits from friends who know where this location is located.'

Do Engraved Hardwood Urns Cost More?

You may not be surprised to learn that engraved urns cost more than non-engraved. This is because family members want something special for their loved one’s final resting place. An engraved hardwood urn is something that can be passed down for generations, which makes it worth paying a little extra for.

Engraved urns are a better way to remember someone than just putting their ashes in an ordinary plastic container or vase. If you want your loved one remembered but don't want to spend thousands of dollars on an elaborate memorial service or statue, consider getting an engraved hardwood urn instead of building one yourself using wood and nails!

These FAQs contain helpful information on cremation and hardwood urns.

This blow will have FAQs with helpful information on cremation and hardwood urns. If you're looking for more details about the process of placing an order, or if you want to know what types of wood are best for your loved one's ashes, these articles will help. And as always, check |title="Flints Woodshop - Experts in Crafting Hardwood Urns"> for more information


In conclusion, cremation and hardwood urns are a great way for families to honor the deceased. The amount of care and attention that goes into creating a beautiful urn is well worth the expense.
