It is a common question: 'are cutting boards dishwasher safe?' The answer is both yes and no, depending on the type of cutting board. The two main types of cutting boards are plastic and wooden. Plastic cutting boards are generally dishwasher safe. They are also easy to clean because they can be placed in the dishwasher. However, they are not as durable as wooden cutting boards and can develop scratches and grooves over time.
Wooden cutting boards are not dishwasher safe. They must be cleaned by hand using hot water and soap. Even if you don’t have a dishwasher, it is best to avoid putting your wooden cutting board in the sink because it will absorb water and develop cracks.
So, the answer to the question 'are cutting boards dishwasher safe?' is that it depends on the type of cutting board.
The Different Types of Cutting Boards
When it comes to choosing a cutting board, there are a few options available. The most common type is plastic, followed by wooden, bamboo, and others like glass and marble. Plastic cutting boards are usually made from plastic, PVC, or polypropylene, and are the most affordable option. They are also lightweight, non-porous and easy to clean. However, they can develop scratches and grooves over time, and will dull your knives more quickly than our end-grain cutting boards.
Wood Cutting Boards
Wood cutting boards are the most popular choice for proffesional cooks. They are often made from a variety of hardwoods including maple, walnut, cherry, and oak. To clean and disinfect a wooden cutting board, you must use hot water, mild-soap, and wash it by hand.
Plastic Cutting Boards
Plastic cutting boards are usually made from polypropylene and are the most affordable option. The downside is that plastic cutting boards can develop grooves over time and will require more frequent replacement, and will dull your knives faster than end-grain wooden boards.
Are Cutting Boards Dishwasher Safe?
When it comes to cleaning cutting boards, generally, plastic cutting boards are considered dishwasher safe, as long as they are placed on the top rack away from any heating elements. Wooden cutting boards should not be placed in the dishwasher. To clean a wooden cutting board, use hot water, soap, and a brush or sponge. To keep the board in good condition, oil the board with food-grade mineral oil periodically. All our end-grain cutting boards come pre-finished with a food-safe all-natural oil and wax finish.
In conclusion, the answer to the question "are cutting boards dishwasher safe?" depends on the type of cutting board. Plastic cutting boards can generally be placed in the dishwasher on the top rack, while wooden cutting boards should be cleaned by hand with hot water and soap. For the longest lasting and most hygienic cutting board, we suggest a wooden cutting board. But, if you’re looking for the most affordable board, then a plastic cutting board is the way to go.